Sunday Morning Service Opportunities

Sunday schools students prepare cards for residents at Whitlock Place

Sunday school students proudly display a recent contribution to the FISH pantry

Confirmation students preparing food for Nourish backpacks

Ongoing Service Opportunities

FISH food pantry & hygiene drive

Place donations in the box by the front and back doors.


NOURISH Backpack Program

We are proud full-partners of this program at Nicholson Elementary. Every week during the school year we pack as many as 25 backpacks full of food on Thursday to be distributed to kids to provide a nutritional boost over the weekend. Sign up to get involved!

Meals on Wheels

Distribute meals for every other month. A knock on the door can mean hope, health, nutrition, and care. Check out our sign ups in the narthex or call our office.

Lutheran World Relief Quilting

1st Mon and Tues of every month and others as announced (or unannounced! Our dedicated quilters are aiming for 200 quilts (again!) this year. All levels of experience welcome. If you can tie your shoes, you can tie a quilt!

Seasonal Service Opportunities

Thanksgiving Dinner

Work for or donate to the Crawfordsville Community Thanksgiving Dinner

ReinDear Project

Pick a tag from the tree purchase gives, both needs and wants, for children at Christmas.

Bell Ringing

Ring the bell at Christmas time to help meet the needs of those in need

As-Needed Service Opportunities

Grief Meals- provide food for bereaved families after a memorial or funeral service.


Habitat for Humanity Builds and food service


Meals for members in need- please let us know if YOU or someone you know could use this!


Quilts for Alzheimer’s Patients


Visiting Shut-ins


Volunteering in the schools


Volunteer with local sports teams